Ten Unanswerable WHYs

» Why is it that doctors and lawyers call what they do practice?

» Why don't you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?

» Why is abbreviated such a long word?

» Why the sun lightens our hair but darkens our skin? 

Ten Worst World Records To Break.

» 10: Most Pants Pooped

» 9: Loudest Fart Recorded

» 8: Most Tattoos

» 7: Most Times Caught Watching 18+ Content

Ten Worst Things That Could Happen to Earth.

» 10: All Trees Suddenly Disappear

Imagine if all tress suddenly vanish, Earth's temperature would rise dramatically. Our lungs would crave Oxygen, but will get none. It will be a serious threat to mankind.

» 9: All Diseases Become Contagious

What if all the deadly diseases like Cancer and AIDS become airborne and contagious! Humans would have a significantly shorter life span. The diseased people would be isolated apart. Biological wars can get to a whole new level!

» 8: Earth Gets Off Its Orbit

If somehow, earth goes off it's orbit, either it will start drifting towards dark infinity, or get into orbit of another planet and BOOM ! Both of them seem quite horrible.

» 7: Big Crunch

As per a phenomenon called Red Shift universe is expanding. The opposite of this phenomenon is called Blue Shift. If Blue Shift gets applied to the Universe somehow, the universe would start to shrink ! We all will be squished!

Ten Worst Things To Face In Life

» 10: Dying In a Stupid Way

One of the worst things that could happen to you! You're going for an important meeting, or on a date with your dream girl, and you slip off a banana or orange peel! Or fall from stairs and hit your head. What a stupid cause of death.

» 9: Remain A Virgin Forever

While there are people who prefer solitude to company, there also are butt-load of desperate people who think about hooking up all day long! What if they never lost their virginity? 

» 8: Being Executed

Imagine how would you feel, just sitting in a room and waiting to die.

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